Business process outsourcing (BPO) provides a great opportunity for small- to mid-sized businesses to grow. However, the quality of the results comes down to the quality of the outsourced provider. And that depends on how thoroughly you and your team vetted the BPO call center company before bringing them into the fold.
To help you choose the best outsourcing partner, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on the mistakes you need to avoid. Keep reading to discover what not to do when choosing a BPO company!
Not Explaining Performance Expectations
There is a certain assumption about BPO that a business can “set it and forget it.” And it’s true that once the outsourcing company is properly set up, they’ll be able to handle certain things with minimum oversight (but not a complete lack of oversight…more on this later).
However, you should consider call center employees an extension of your own current work family. And just like with your in-house employees, you will need to explain any specific performance expectations to your BPO company.
A good BPO partner will already have recommended KPIs and other performance goals to present at your initial meetings. You’ll be able to accept and even add on new and different variables. Be prepared when going to your meetings to have this conversation.
Rushing the Process
When done well, BPO can deliver results for your business that border on the downright magical. Because of this, it’s understandable that you might want to jump right in. However, one of the biggest mistakes you can make at this juncture is rushing the process and hiring a BPO provider too quickly.
In a perfect world, you should take your time getting quotes from different providers and researching the reputation of any company you’d like to potentially hire. This includes looking into projects they have handled and what previous clients have to say about working with them. This may take extra time, but once you find the company that’s “just right,” you can hit the ground running and start growing your business.
Not Asking for Recommendations
If you’re reading this, chances are this is your first rodeo with business process outsourcing. In that case, we’re here to tell you that not asking your BPO call center provider for recommendations is a huge mistake.
It’s best to consider communication as a two-way street. As we noted before, you’ll need to meet with the provider to outline things like the performance expectations you have for them. You should be receptive to what the provider says about topics like hiring, training, onboarding, and so on. This is a business relationship, and things work more smoothly when both parties listen to one another (and you might even discover unexpected benefits of teaming up, like turning your social media over to BPO).

Lack of Ongoing Communication
We have touched pretty heavily on the importance of open and honest communication between your business and the BPO provider. Still, a “rookie mistake” many make with outsourcing is assuming that most of this communication happens early on and will soon taper off.
In reality, you need to regularly communicate with key staff members of the outsourced team and the BPO provider itself. The reason is simple: In business, the saying “change is the only constant” is truer than ever. What you needed from the provider at the beginning of your relationship may change over time, just as the challenges facing your business naturally grow and change (this is where good leadership shines).
Or, to put it more simply: How would any team or division at your current company perform if they had to go long periods without any communication or guidance from management? If you want consistently great performance from your BPO partner, then consistent communication is key.
Not Determining Your Weighted Selection Criteria
Earlier, we noted that you should take your time to find a BPO provider who is “just right” for your particular needs. Sometimes, though, it may come down to choosing between multiple solid providers. How, then, do you choose the right company?
Ideally, you will have already considered which criteria for selecting a provider are most important. For example, is being a nearshore call center a priority? Is experience with IT or telephone customer service – or both – more important? What about the experience of the provider’s executive leadership?
No two companies are alike, meaning that different companies will have different provider priorities. By understanding what is most important to you and your business, you can find the provider best for your particular needs.
Not Mapping the Customer Journey for Your BPO Provider
By now, it should be obvious that communication is the cornerstone of any good working relationship with a BPO provider. You are trusting the provider with a big part of your brand and your customer service. The more they understand your brand, your customers, and your customer’s journey, the more they can align themselves with your vision for the company. Only then can your company reach the full potential of BPO.
Get the Best BPO Call Center Today!
Now you know the mistakes to avoid when choosing a BPO company. But do you know where you can find the exact company you’ve been looking for?
At Confie, we provide outsourcing expertise for companies of any size. Ready to see just how far your own business can grow? For more information about Confie’s business process outsourcing, contact us today or call us at (714) 252-2500.