image How Emotional Intelligence Helps Franchises Excel

How Emotional Intelligence Helps Franchises Excel

Opening up a new franchise can be challenging. Whether implementing your franchise’s branding or hiring new employees, as a new franchisee, you will have a lot on your plate. The transition to operating a new business involves many components that all need nurturing at the outset. Emotional intelligence (EI) is instrumental in helping iron out snags that may arise. 

When you make franchise ownership more seamless, you ensure greater overall success. EI is key to streamlining a new franchise business. Having characteristics of emotional intelligence can make your franchise transition flow smoother. 

What Is Emotional Intelligence? 

Emotional intelligence is a set of interpersonal skills that help you better connect with people. It also aids in more peaceful human transactions, which are necessary throughout all business and workplace operations. EI goes beyond mere communication skills; it gets to the heart of “people” skills. 

Developing your emotional intelligence quotient means having a deep self-awareness coupled with the ability to understand other people’s emotions. It also means managing your own emotions, something essential in the workplace. These EI traits create a powerful dynamic when dealing with other people. Since most jobs involve human contact, emotional intelligence can smooth over many difficulties. 

Traits of Emotional Intelligence 

There are several characteristics associated with emotional intelligence. These traits can be on a quotient scale, meaning someone may have a higher or lower quotient of the characteristics. 

Some of the characteristics of EI include: 

  • Emotional self-regulation 
  • Self-awareness 
  • Emotional well-being and balanced emotions 
  • Compassionate 
  • Active listener 
  • Good communicator 
  • Flexible and willing to compromise 
  • Motivated 
  • Curious 
  • Aware of others’ emotions 

If you have any of these traits, you can always improve upon them through practice, bringing your quotient higher. With focus and understanding, you can even develop these characteristics should you find you are lacking some of them. 

Businessman hand writing the words Emotional Intelligence on a whiteboard in red - Freeway franchise

How Emotional Intelligence Helps a Franchise Succeed 

Opening a franchise is a stressful time for most people. With all the various changes going on during the transition, it’s beneficial to be surrounded by emotionally intelligent individuals. Some of the ways these traits are helpful during the franchise transition include the following: 

Greater Unity 

Workplace transitions mean people will be scrambling around, trying to get things together. Employees will be rubbing elbows, and there’s the potential for bumping heads if things get too tense. That’s where EI comes into play. Having people around you with these associated traits will aid in working together. 

Unity calms the tensions, as employees will be more flexible, easier to work with, and more amiable with one another. 

Productive Communication 

All work processes involve communication of some sort, written, verbal – even physical. A lot of problems in the workplace can stem from miscommunication or a communication breakdown. EI helps resolve these problems with communication, aiding in a better transition. 

Smoother Operations 

When your employees are self-aware, empathetic, and have a high degree of control over their emotions, it makes for much smoother operations. As a franchise owner, you can focus on the nitty-gritty of getting the franchise operational because everyone is more in sync. 

Faster Cultural and Brand Assimilation 

Integrating a workplace culture and brand image can pose a problem for some businesses. There’s a learning curve in many cases. By working with flexible and self-contained employees, cultural assimilation is quicker and more productive. 

Workplace Success 

Emotional intelligence can boost your success as an individual. You’ll get along better with others and become indispensable to your community. EI traits can facilitate your career development as a franchise owner, promoting workplace success. You’ll be able to navigate the new position more easily with EI. 

Learn More About Franchise Opportunities 

Learn more about franchise opportunities at Confie. You can find help as you transition to your new position. If you want to join a leading insurance lines organization, Confie is always looking for talented agents. Reach out online or call at 714-252-2500