image Making New Year’s Resolutions

Making New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is nearly upon us, which means it’s time to start crafting your resolutions! While we can’t tell you what resolutions to make, we can help guide you. Follow these tips to create resolutions you’re more likely to stick with past January 1.

Be Specific

Maybe your goal for next year is to lose weight. Great! However, your resolution needs to be more than just losing weight. Exactly how much weight do you want to lose? Set a specific goal so you know what you’re aiming toward.

Be Realistic

Make sure your goals are realistic. Using the same example of losing weight, a goal of losing 150 pounds in 2019 might not be feasible unless you’re willing to make drastic lifestyle changes. Instead, choose a goal you know you won’t struggle to meet.

Focus on One or Two Aspects

Maybe there’s a lot about yourself you’d like to change — we’ve all been there at some point. However, be careful that you aren’t trying to do too much at one time. Vowing to drop 100 pounds, run a marathon, become vegan, and publish the next bestseller all in 2019 might be a bit much. You’ll probably have more success if you narrow your focus to one or two big achievements or goals.

Add Some Rewards

A good New Year’s resolution takes hard work and perseverance, so be sure to give yourself a little reward every once in a while for your dedication. For example, if you’re dieting, give yourself a splurge meal once a month where you can eat all your favorite foods without guilt. Just make sure the rewards don’t become so common that they’re affecting your goals.

Plan for Failure

No one is perfect. There’s a good chance you’re going to fail at your resolution. When you inevitably do, don’t get down on yourself. To err is human, so just get back on your horse and keep moving forward.

New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be something you declare and then forget about a week later. With these tips, you might be able to craft lasting changes that will positively affect your well-being.

Works Cited

Candy, Annabel. “7 Steps For Making a New Year’s Resolution and Keeping It.” Lifehack.

“Making your New Year’s resolution stick.” American Psychological Association.