image Creating a Productive Morning Routine Working from Home

Creating a Productive Morning Routine Working from Home

Establishing a solid morning routine is key to your success as a telecommute worker. Routines help reduce mental fatigue, and they can also make you more productive. Setting a routine can be hard to do–especially if you are working from home for the first time. 

Without a routine, the quality of your work may suffer. We’ve put together some tips to help you create a productive work from home routine.

Try to Wake up at the Same Time Every Day

Going to bed around the same time each night and waking up around the same time each morning helps regulate your circadian rhythm. It also helps stabilize your internal clock and improves your sleep. 

Set Working Hours

When working from home, it is easy to work past your regular in-office hours. But be sure to set your working hours and stick to them. Start and finish your working day at the same time every day. 

You need to establish boundaries between your home life and your work. Avoid logging on as soon as you get up unless it’s urgent. 

Set Your Goals for the Day

Go through your to-do list and set realistic goals for the day. Think about what you need to achieve and create a strategy to achieve it. Try to do this before you start checking your emails, as this can distract you from setting your goals.

Act as if you are Going In the Office

Exercise, shower, get dressed and eat a healthy breakfast. Doing this every day will help you feel energized and focused. 

Dressing in “real” clothes can help you feel more professional and ready to work. That doesn’t mean you have to wear the same clothes that you would wear to the office, but changing out of your pajama pants can have a positive impact on your productivity.

Your exercise routine can be something quick and simple—a few minutes of yoga, stretching, or a quick walk. 

For breakfast, consider preparing it the night before. Overnight oats are a deliciously healthy option.

Preparation is Key

Working remotely requires a lot of organization and self-discipline. Preparing the night before can help you stay organized. Try meal prepping all of your meals for the week (including your snacks), set out your clothes, and manage your to-do lists before you go to bed. 

Connect With Your Family

During these difficult times, we must connect with the ones we love. This can be the best way to get your day off to a great start. 

Do the Hardest Thing First

When you work from home, one of the best morning routine hacks is to do the hardest thing first. Crossing that major project off your list first will not only get it out of your way but also give you the confidence boost you need to tackle the rest of your day.

Reward Yourself

After you have completed that major task or have had a long day of meetings, reward yourself. This can be something simple as making a cup of tea, listening to your favorite music for a few minutes, enjoying a snack, or taking a break to unwind. 

Your home has many more opportunities for relaxation and enjoyment than your office, so use them to your advantage after you’ve done something worthy of reward.

Being Productive While Working Remotely

If you’re just getting started working from home, remember that everybody is different, and it will take some time to create a routine that works best for you. So, stay committed to your goals, and eventually, you’ll create the perfect structure for you.